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Raleigh Weapons Charges Attorney

Possession of a firearm and other weapons charges carry severe sanctions in the criminal justice system. If you have a prior criminal history or a prior felony record, these charges can carry the risk of serious jail time. Don’t take them lightly. The Raleigh weapons charges attorneys at the Scharff Law Firm have successfully handled these types of cases in multiple jurisdictions, for a combined period of over 20 years. Reba prosecuted weapons crimes in Baltimore, Maryland as a felony prosecutor and brings her expertise to the defense side in Raleigh, North Carolina. Jesse has defended many weapons crimes in both Maryland and North Carolina. We bring the experience you need to negotiating a better outcome, and for potentially crafting a defense at jury trial.

  • If you’ve been charged with:
  • Assault with a deadly weapon;
  • Felon in possession of a firearm;
  • Possessing a weapon during a drug trafficking crime;
  • Domestic Violence involving a weapon;
  • Violation of your carry concealed license, or
  • Possession of a stolen firearm

The Scharff Law Firm wants to fight for you! There are many defenses to these types of crimes. Our Raleigh weapons charges lawyers apply your constitutional rights to the facts of your case to craft a defense for you. Jesse Scharff is licensed to practice in both State and Federal Court. The Federal Court system will often get involved if you’ve been charged with a weapons offense during any type of drug crime. We can handle this for you. If you’ve been charged with some sort of misdemeanor weapons crime on the State level, you may qualify for a dismissal opportunity if you’ve never been in trouble before. Each case is different and demands the time and energy of a weapons violation attorney who will listen to you, and craft a defense specific to your needs.

If you’re found guilty of a weapons charge, you could lose many of your rights afforded to you under the Constitution. These losses could include your right to bear arms, hunt or have a carry concealed permit, your right to vote, and can negatively impact your future employment prospects. At the Scharff Law Firm we know when to negotiate a plea, push for a dismissal or gear up for a fight at jury trial. Let our experience work for you!

Call the Scharff Law Firm Raleigh weapons charges attorneys today (919) 457-1954 for a free consultation. We want to fight for you!