Being charged with a DWI is a lengthy process that can leave you facing numerous court appearances that affect your daily life. Particularly if you have been wrongly accused, you will still face having to address the charges and work to get your driver’s license status restored. This is when you’ll need the help of an experienced Raleigh DMV Hearings Attorney.
A qualified defense attorney can help you with every aspect of your DWI case. Scharff Law Firm specializes in driving related offenses, including fighting DWI charges and representing clients at DMV hearings. The process can be complex, particularly if you have a history of convictions or if there are other circumstances playing into your right to drive with the DMV.
If you’re facing a DWI charge or any other driving infraction, part of the case will involve DMV hearings to:
- Refuse DWI charges
- Address the placement of an interlock device on your vehicle
- Address license suspension and restoration
You may also be required to appear at hearings mandated by the DMV to address:
- Multiple driving infractions that lead to too many points on your license
- Open container violations
- Excessive speeding
Our Raleigh DMV Hearings Attorneys understand exactly what the DMV needs to help you get back on the right track. When it comes to DMV hearings, you’ll need a dedicated defense lawyer on your side who knows your story and can protect your rights at a hearing.
DWI Convictions
Any DWI conviction will lead to an automatic license revocation for a one year period. With a revoked license, a person can obtain exceptions for privileges in certain circumstances. Your attorney will be integral to securing your rights to drive to work or school after a conviction.
After multiple convictions, you may experience an extended period of time in which you cannot have your license restored. On your third DWI conviction, your license will be permanently revoked. Even if you have never had your driver’s license, you can have the right revoked in North Carolina.
Restoration Hearings
If you are able to request a hearing to restore your license, you should be aware that the proceedings are similar to criminal court. You will be placed under oath, recorded, and asked to answer a series of questions. Witnesses will also be called to speak on your behalf. Consulting a DMV Hearings attorney is the best way to ensure the proceeding follows protocol and that you have the best chance of regaining your driving privileges.
To reinstate your license after a DWI or other offense, you may be required to pay certain fees and complete paperwork. The process to reinstate your license may take time, and having the assistance of your defense attorney can speed up the process so you can get back to your life.
Refusing a DWI
Those who are charged with a DWI but have not yet been convicted may work with their defense attorney to address the charges for the opportunity to refuse a license revocation. The DMV will use evidence of the chemical test result and officer testimony to make a case to revoke your license. You and your defense attorney will have the opportunity to present evidence and testimony, as well.
Your Defense Attorney and the DMV
The number of DMV hearings you may need to address depends on the circumstances of your situation. The defense attorneys at Scharff Law Firm specialize in DWI and driving related charges and are highly qualified to help you interact with the DMV. From helping you correspond with the DMV to arranging hearings and restoration proceedings to speaking on your behalf during those hearings, we’re ready to help you regain your freedom to drive.
Get in touch with our DMV attorneys for a free consultation today.