Theft accusations are incredibly hurtful. Being accused immediately spotlights individuals and condemns their characters as being dishonest. The courts, in particular, consider theft related crimes to be character damaging. Protect your future credibility by hiring a well known and experienced theft crimes attorney in Raleigh, NC.
Whether you are arrested on site, being investigated for identity theft, or have been charged with any form of theft erroneously, you will need an experienced theft crimes attorney on your side. Do not speak with investigators or law enforcement officials until you have consulted a Raleigh theft crimes attorney. Cooperate and remain civil while exercising your right to remain silent.
Scharff Law Firm in Raleigh has experience fighting theft charges in many different situations. Sometimes an accusation may be a misunderstanding, and other times our extensive, independent investigations yield exonerating information. Whatever your case, you can rest assured knowing the theft defense attorneys at Scharff Law Firm are working tirelessly to defend your rights and reputation.
We understand the complexities surrounding theft cases. There are numerous types of theft prosecuted in the justice system. Here are some of the most common:
• Credit card fraud
• Shoplifting
• Identity theft
• Concealing merchandise
• Altering price tags
• Robbery
• Breaking and entering
• Possession of stolen goods
• Obtaining property through false pretenses
Consequences of Theft
In North Carolina, there is not a division between types of theft. Instead, the charges are considered in light of the context and the item(s) taken. As a rough guideline, theft is normally a misdemeanor if the amount stolen is less than $1000.
Class 3 or 2 Misdemeanor – These crimes include concealing merchandise in a store. Even though a class 3 or 2 misdemeanor is not considered as serious, a conviction will still be included on your permanent record.
Class 1 Misdemeanor – Taking items intentionally from a store is considered a class 1 misdemeanor, and you may face up to 45 days in jail and/or a fine.
Felony – Any theft that amounts to a value of $1000 or more is considered a class H felony in our state. Breaking and entering is also a felony, even if no property is stolen. Thefts that are direct or that feature dangerous weapons such as firearms or explosives are always considered felonies.
Convictions can make it difficult to find gainful employment in the future and will become part of your permanent record. Being accused of theft can also be damaging and destroy existing personal and professional relationships. Your best course of action is to consult a criminal defense attorney in Raleigh as soon as possible to preserve your credibility and set the record straight.
Building a Defense
Your theft crimes defense attorney can begin helping you immediately, even if you are only under investigation. He or she will be instrumental in navigating interviews and securing an independent investigation of the situation. Many times, investigators will try to link those accused of theft with other crimes. Your attorney can protect your rights and prevent any unlawful searches or interviews during the initial stages.
Even if you have admitted to the act, it is advisable to hire a theft crimes attorney. You may need help understanding your options, like facing a lesser sentence in a plea bargain. The assistance of a qualified defense attorney is vital during this stage.
In some cases, theft is a misunderstanding. Maybe you made a mistake by absentmindedly placing merchandise in your purse. You could have purchased an item that was previously stolen unwittingly. In both of these scenarios, your ignorance in the context of the situation may determine the overall outcome of your case.
You may have had the intention of stealing, but now understand that the decision was immoral and illegal. Whatever your case, you deserve fairness and a legal defense that is dedicated to helping you rebuild your credibility and get back to your life. The Scharff team is ready to help you. Contact us today for a free consultation.