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Does a Car Breathalyzer Help Prevent DWI in North Carolina?

Car breathalyzer systems, also known as ignition interlock devices (IIDs), help prevent individuals with a history of DWI from operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. In North Carolina, their use is legally mandated for certain DWI offenders.

These systems require the driver to provide a breath sample before the engine can start. If the sample exceeds a preset blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit, the vehicle will not start.

The Role of Car Breathalyzers in DWI Prevention

Driving While Impaired (DWI) in North Carolina is a serious offense with significant legal consequences. According to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 20-138.1, it is illegal to drive a vehicle in any public street, highway, or public vehicular area within the state while under the influence of an impairing substance.

This includes not only alcohol but also other drugs and controlled substances (even prescribed ones). The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% for most drivers but lower for commercial drivers and minors.

The consequences of a DWI conviction in North Carolina can be severe. They include the following:

  • Immediate license revocation or suspension
  • Hefty court fines
  • Increased insurance rates
  • Imprisonment: jail or prison time
  • Loss of Professional Licenses
  • Ignition Interlock Device Installed

The severity of these penalties typically escalates with subsequent offenses, leading courts and individuals to look for solutions to prevent future DWIs.

The Role of Car Breathalyzers in DWI Prevention

Car breathalyzers, or ignition interlock devices, are increasingly being recognized as a vital tool in the fight against DWI. These devices require the driver to take a breathalyzer test before starting the vehicle.

If the device detects alcohol, the vehicle will not start. This immediate consequence not only prevents drunk driving at the moment but also serves as a constant reminder and deterrent for those with a history of DWI.

An ignition interlock device contributes to a decrease in repeat offenses by requiring a breath sample before the vehicle can start.

Legal Mandates for Car Breathalyzers in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the use of ignition interlock devices is not just a preventive measure but also a legal requirement in certain situations.

Under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 20-17.8, individuals convicted of DWI with a BAC of 0.15% or higher, or those with multiple DWI convictions, legally must install an ignition interlock device in their vehicles.

After your license is restored, you may be required to have an Ignition Interlock installed for the following time periods:

  • 1 year if the license revocation was for 1 year
  • 3 years if the license revocation was for 4 years
  • 7 years if the license was permanently revoked but can be restored (“)

Considering an Ignition Interlock Device Install On Your Vehicle’s Ignition System

If you struggle with drinking and driving, you may look into an interlock device for yourself. While handheld breathalyzers are on the market and easily purchased online, they are easily disregarded after one too many drinks.

If you’re facing DWI charges for a first offense, you may be considering solutions to prevent ever getting a DWI again.

As a first-time offender there is generally not a legal mandate to install an interlock device. However, it’s possible that this intervention could help you to avoid driving while impaired. Research indicates that ignition interlock devices are effective in reducing repeat DWI offenses.

According to the CDC, these devices can decrease recidivism among both first-time and repeat DWI offenders by approximately 70%. This significant reduction highlights the potential of car breathalyzers to help you refrain from driving while impaired.

However, an ignition interlock device doesn’t prevent damage to your health and well-being.

Exploring other measures, such as educational or rehabilitation programs, can provide a more holistic approach to reducing DWI incidents.

FAQs on Car Breathalyzers and DWI Laws in North Carolina

What is the BAC level for mandatory Ignition Interlock Device (IID) installation in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and courts may require IID installation for DWI offenders with a breath alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.15 or higher. This also applies to those guilty of a second or subsequent DWI offense within seven years. (“)

Are IIDs mandatory for all DWI offenses in North Carolina?

Not for all offenses. The requirement for an IID depends on the BAC level and the number of prior offenses. For instance, a first-time offender with a BAC below 0.15 may not need an IID. (“)

What happens if I refuse a breathalyzer test in North Carolina?

Refusing a mandatory breath test at the station can lead to a 12-month driver’s license suspension. You have the right to a DMV hearing regarding this suspension.

(You can legally refuse field testing, including field test breathalyzer, as long as you submit to the breathalyzer at the station. Refusing to take roadside tests is your right and doesn’t provoke a license suspension.)

Can the NC DMV waive ignition interlock system installations?

N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles can waive IID installations on additional vehicles for applicants who meet certain household income criteria. (“)

What are the legal BAC limits in North Carolina?

The legal BAC limit is 0.08 percent for most drivers and 0.04 percent for commercial license holders. (“)

What are the penalties for a first DWI offense in North Carolina?

A first DWI offense in North Carolina is a misdemeanor. It can result in 1 day to 2 years in jail, community service, and other penalties depending on the circumstances of your arrest and charges. (“)

What is the role of the court in restricting DWI offenders to IIDs?

Under North Carolina law, a court can restrict someone convicted of DWI to ONLY operate vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock system.

An Experienced North Carolina DWI Attorney Can Help

At Scharff Law, we dive deep into the intricacies of DWI laws to face your challenges with you. Our approach is all about you – your case, your needs, your peace of mind. We navigate the legal maze with a clear, supportive strategy tailored just for the charges you face.

From breathalyzer nuances to ignition interlock device regulations and protecting your rights, we’ve got every detail covered. 

Let us be your steadfast ally, helping you walk through this tough time. With Scharff Law, you’re not just getting legal assistance; you’re gaining a partner who fights for your rights with passion and purpose.

Additional Recommended Reading

Real-life examples not only illustrate the effectiveness of car breathalyzer devices but also help in understanding their practical application and impact on individuals’ lives. The below studies can give you more information about car breathalyzer systems and their successes and limitations:

1- Case Studies of Ignition Interlock Programs: Provides an overview of ignition interlock programs, with potential reference to North Carolina’s initiatives.

2- Does the Probability of DWI Arrest Fall Following Participation in DWI and Hybrid Drug Treatment Court Programs: Examines the effect of treatment programs, possibly including IIDs, on DWI arrest probabilities in North Carolina.

3- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Interlock Systems in Preventing DWI Recidivism Among Second-Time DWI Offenders: Focuses on the effectiveness of interlock systems in preventing repeat offenses among DWI offenders.

4- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Interlock in Preventing Recidivism in a Population of Multiple DWI Offenders: Studies the impact of interlock devices on preventing recidivism among multiple DWI offenders.

5- Ignition Interlock – Silver Bullet for Drunk Driving? Barriers and Promise: Discusses the potential and challenges of ignition interlock devices as a solution for drunk driving.